How the Zoom Minyan Brought Me Closer to Judaism


This story appeared online in Tablet Magazine on January 19, 2021.

Read the full story here.


It is a cold winter morning. I open the blinds of the east window in my messy home office and rush to log in, seconds before my synagogue’s 8 a.m. daily Zoom prayer service. I wear my cozy, fuzzy socks, my tallit with its frayed turquoise silk panels, and a crocheted kippah pinned to my wet hair.

I’ve been saying Kaddish every day since early May for my dad, and since October for my mom. Neither passed away from COVID-19; both were 93 and in failing health, but I was in utter shock when each died. I never thought my parents would ever die, silly as that sounds, let alone both of them within five months of each other.

I joined my synagogue’s daily morning minyan right after we buried my dad. ..

continued . . .


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